Jesus is God's Lamb
God's Lamb announced:
John the Baptist preached about the coming Messiah. He called Jesus the "Lamb of God". (John 1:15-29)
A Lamb for a man:
When Adam and Eve sinned (disobeyed) God they could no longer stay in the garden. Sin separates us from God because He is holy. God loves people but hates sin so He makes a way for people to come to Him for forgiveness. God clothed Adam and Eve with animal skins to protect them. It was the first blood sacrifice for sin. Abel's sacrifice of a lamb was accepted by God. The lamb died as a substitute. (Genesis 3:23-4:4)
A Lamb for a family:
God sent plagues upon Egypt when Pharaoh refused to let the Israelites go. The last plague was the death of all the first born sons in the land. God's people were to sprinkle the blood of a perfect lamb around the door posts so that the angel of death would pass over their homes and their sons would be safe. The lamb died as a substitute. (Exodus 12:1-13)
A Lamb for a nation:
When Israel became a great nation the priests would offer up animal/lambs as sacrifices for the sins of the people. The lambs died as substitutes.
(Exodus 29:38-43)
A Lamb for the world:
The lambs could not take away sin, they were substitutes for the punishment of sin. Jesus came to be God's Lamb to take away the sin of the whole world, no other sacrifices would be necessary.
Jesus God's Lamb:
The lambs that were sacrificed tell us some things about God's Lamb. The sacrifice had to be perfect and they gave up their lives to save others even though they had done no wrong. Jesus could pay for our sin because He had no sin!
Just For You:
Jesus willingly gave up His life. He died on the cross as our substitute so that Satan's power over us might be broken. God accepts the death of His Son, Jesus, as the punishment for our sins. There is no longer a need for any more sacrifices as Jesus has paid the debt in full. Now we can come to God when we believe that Jesus died for us and ask God to forgive us for our sins.
Memory Verse:
"Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!" John 1:29
Do You Know?
1. Who did John say that Jesus was?
2. Why were lambs sacrificed?
3. Did the sacrificed lambs take away the people's sin?
4. What is the only sacrifice that can pay for all sin?
5. What 2 things do the lamb sacrifices tell us about God's Lamb?
6. Why did God send His Son Jesus?
Do You Know? (Answers)
1. The Lamb of God
2. For the sins of the people
3. No, they were only substitutes
4. Jesus death on the cross
5. God's Lamb is perfect, without sin & gave up His life willingly for us
6. To pay a price for our sin that we could never pay